Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

Drunk again, fuck You, I know its not OK...

Since I got Drunk this evening and(as you might know) I am a fan of spbering up infront of the PC, here is your chance, to read a update in this awesome, spectacular and thrilling blog of mine.
You might have noticed, that mostly I update my blog in a drunk behaviour, BUT: DON'T get the feeling, that I'm a alcoholic, because I'm not, I just can think without any boders in my brain, when I'm drunk, so mostly I update the blog in a drunk status.
But If you take a look at the dates of  my posts, you may notice, that there is roughly one post per month, so in a average I am really drunk once in a month, and I don't need you to judge me, therefore I have my beloved family.
well Well, i lost the thought I was thinking... But here may be an other one...
How is it possible, that i can only think free, if 'm drunk? Am I a Philospher? I don't realy think so. I have no idea, what to do with myself and my live and that really fucks me up.
Maybe Im am a Philosopher, but just for my own shitty life, without knowing anithing 'bout philosophie at all...
Well, as always, I think much faster, than I am able to wright, so one of the thoughts is (with a high probability) lost forever.
Al in all, i am desperate again, usinge the chance of sobering up in front of the PC to share my twisted Thoughts and results of my twisted mind with you.
I KNOW, that you are not interested, but this blog isn't for you in the first place, it is for me, like Anne Franks diary, was in first place for her to document all her hopes, thoughts, fears, and other fellings. So, yeah, look at this blog as a kind of Annes diary, my thoughts, in first place written down for myself, brought to you by myself (if that dosn't sound epic).

Totally new topic : as you may have noticed, Rammstein are nest year at the legendary W:O:A, so, yeah, there is somthing bright in the future.

Not just all the shit and problems, wich are all over the media, looming to overwhelm me, because I see NO HOPE for our species, our Planet (well, maybe for our Planet, it is goinig to turn and recover with out human species on it anyways), but as said: I can't see any hope for us on this world, there are just too many too big problems. Yeah of course there is the well known entropy, but shit, must all this happen to me, ore futher spoken to my generation?
I mean lets face it, how can some slightly intelligent creature not going to doom all its reservations in alcohol, if it stands before this FUCKING USOLVEABLE PROBLEMS?!?!?!!

Again I lost the thought, so I am just bringing this desperate Post to an End... Listen to the song, might it bring bach some hope to your lifes...
And yeah, I would appreciate some comments, just to know, that somone cares (at least a little bit) about me and my opinions.
good night and farewell